(Los Angeles—August 25, 2017) Percy Miller, president of the Global Mixed Gender Basketball league (GMGB) designed a basketball for both men and women. The ball for GMGB will be 29 instead of the regulation 29.5 used by the NBA or the 28.5 used for the WNBA.
“Our league is about equality, we couldn’t have the standard ball for the NBA or the one used for the WNBA,” said Miller. “If we are going to stand by our equal play, that also includes the basketball for the players to use,” continued Miller. The 29-inch ball was suggested by Miller and his team designed by BADEN. The world will see for the first time this new ball played in a professional game. The new design will be used by the players at the GMGB exhibition game on September 23rd in Las Vegas, Nevada, when the New Orleans Gators will take on the Atlanta Heirs.
For additional information please go to www.GMGB.com or www.neworleansgators.com